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Kategori: Daerah
Eastern Ceremony Service Symbols
Asian celebrations are a social feast with many traditions, rituals, and images that can last for up to ten days. This article uzbekistan girls explores some of the most widely used Eastern wedding service symbol […]
Workshop Kelapa Sawit di Muara Enim, Menuju “PTPN Emas 2045”

MUARA ENIM—Sejak lima tahun terakhir, PTPN III Holding terus melakukan replanting (tanam ulang) kelapa sawit. Pada tahun 2023, Induk Usaha Perkebunan yang membawahkan 14 PTPN se-Indonesia ini memasang taget tanaman baru seluas 33 ribu hektare. […]
Tiga Situs Lampung Istimewa Layak Nasional, Perlu Dukungan Pemangku Kebijakan

Bandar Lampung – Tim Ahli Cagar Budaya Nasional (TACBN) menyatakan tiga situs yang diusulkan TACB Lampung merupakan cagar budaya istimewa, unik. Ketiga situs tersebut Prasasti Batu Bedil, Prasasti Palas Pasemah, Situs Batu Brak. Ketiga cagar […]
Best Deadline Concepts
The most memorable first dates are frequently those that do n’t rely on elaborate special effects and call for some planning. You can concentrate on your discussion without getting sidetracked by a cheesy idea or […]
The Ideal Time of day for OnlineDating
One of the most well-liked ways to find a companion is online dating, and countless persons log on at various times of time. Depending on the age class you’re targeting, the best time of day […]
Flirting Through a Friendly and Confident Body Posture
One of the simplest ways to express interest to someone is to flirt with them while maintaining a pleasant and convinced brain demeanor. It’s something that can be learned and practiced, even though many people […]
How to make a Dating Profile Online
It can be a tiny nerve-wracking to explore the world german mail order brides of online dating. How do you make a report that is clear about who you are and leaves room for flexibility […]
DPD RGBe Lampung Siap Menangkan Capres Ganjar Pranowo

DPD Relawan Ganjar Berkarya (RGBe) Lampung mengadakan kegiatan Jumat Berkah di 3 titik kota Bandar Lampung antara lain Pasar Gudang Lelang, Pusat Pelelangan Ikan Lempasing, Hajimena, dan Rajabasa. Kegiatan semacam ini akan terus dilakukan pada […]
PTPN Group Tingkatkan Produktivitas Petani Melalui Digitalisasi

Jakarta- Holding Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) melalui anak perusahaannya PT Perkebunan Nusantara V melakukan beragam terobosan dalam upaya memangkas ketimpangan produktivitas petani sawit, salah satunya melalui pendekatan digitalisasi . Strategi tersebut diwujudkan anak perusahaan yang […]